Fundacja Wspierania Edukacji AM Consulting and Education

Celem Fundacji jest działalność w zakresie wspierania edukacji szkolnej, akademickiej, językowej i kulturowej dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych, w tym grupy wiekowej 50+, podnoszenia kompetencji zawodowych edukatorów, przeciwdziałania bezrobociu, wykluczeniu społecznemu poprzez zdobywanie praktycznego doświadczenia zawodowego za granicą w formie praktyk zawodowych i staży, również w celu ułatwiania startu zawodowego w szczególności młodym ludziom.

Fundacja Wspierania Edukacji AM Consulting and Education

NGO, has extensive experience in trainings about delivering projects, has wide knowledge of the VET sector, conducts surveys in VET sector, promotes Erasmus + VET opportunities, has experience in organizing and implementing group and individual mobility programmes of internships abroad.
Knowledgeable in training needs analysis and diagnosis for development and provision of training programmes.
Cooperates with a large number of organizations delivering various professional trainings and internships within EU countries.
Has wide contacts with Polish NGOs, Business Associations and organisations that support labour market in Poland.

The goals of the Foundation are:
1) activities in supporting school, academic, language and cultural education of children, adolescents and adults, including the age group 50+,
2) raising the professional competences of educators,
3) counteracting unemployment and social exclusion by facilitating practical work experience abroad in the form of apprenticeships and internships, also to facilitate professional start, especially for young people.

The Foundation realizes its goals through:

  • Promoting school, academic, language and cultural education among children, adolescents and adults, including the 50+ age group,
  • Promoting modern educational patterns available in other countries in the field of school, academic and vocational education,
  • Promoting the acquisition of practical work experience abroad in the form of organizing apprenticeships and internships as counteracting unemployment, social exclusion and in order to facilitate the professional start of young people,
  • Funding scholarships for learning a foreign language to people from disadvantaged backgrounds,
  • Establishing contacts with national and international organizations serving the development of the Foundation’s statutory activity,
  • Participation in national and international educational seminars and fairs, study visits, serving to broaden knowledge and contacts as well as cooperation with foreign educators,
  • Promoting, supporting and publishing materials, publications and promotional and advertising materials on foreign languages, cultural, school and academic education, raising competences of educators, through practical work experience abroad in a form of apprenticeships and internships,
  • Conducting trainings for various institutions in the scope of delivering projects,
  • To achieve its goals, the Foundation may support the activities of other people and institutions coinciding with its objectives.

5 + 6 =

Dane adresowe

Tel. stacjonarny

22 754 00 00

Tel. obozy młodzieżowe

+48 530 108 101

Tel. VET Erasmus Plus

+48 668 599 537

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